12th Annual
Solutions For Learning Conference

March 3 – 4, 2023, Virtual!

Countdown to the Conference








About Solutions For Learning

Welcome to our Solutions for Learning Conference 2022-23! This is our 12th annual conference, but the first one under our new name: Centre for Diverse Learners. We may have a new name as an organization name this year, but our commitment to impactful learning and diverse perspective in our conference line-up has not changed. In fact, we know that this year is going to be the best yet. 

Now as the Centre for Diverse Learners, we can offer an even wider range of speakers and topics. Our new mandate gives us the freedom to include speakers with an incredibly diverse array of experiences and knowledge. Whether you’re just starting out on your journey, or you have years of experience, we have something that can help you to succeed. Educators, parents, professionals, and students can have all find valuable resources and support by attending. 

The conference will be virtual again this year. This means that we can be accessible to a wider audience who might not otherwise be able to attend. We are committed to keeping our conference accessible, and a virtual conference is the best way to achieve that goal. 

Holding our conference virtually also means we can invite the best speakers from across Canada (and beyond!). This year, we have keynote speeches by Dr. David Kilpatrick and Dr. Ross Greene, both of whom are renowned experts in their fields. Our presenters will give you a combination of vital theory and practical resources for the classroom and at home. 

We’re so excited to learn with you at our conference this year, and we hope you are too. See you there! 

Featured Talks & Speakers

With a total of three keynotes and 12 speakers, this conference will cover subjects that are relevant and grounded in topics that matter most to you. Our speakers will give you the knowledge you can take back to the classroom.

Dr. David Kilpatrick 

Dr. Ross Greene 


Dr. Diana Velikonja

Keynote Presentations

These presentations from world-class professionals will cover vital topics in the field of Learning Disabilities, including a thorough breakdown of Word-Level Reading Problems, Collaborative & Proactive Solutions, and diversity in Neurological Mechanisms of Perception and Learning.

Breakout Streams

Our conference topics are grounded in the subjects that matter most for our students. These are divided up so you can easily find the subjects that matter most to you. 

Register Now 

Don’t miss out on this unique learning experience! Each ticket gives you access to 16+ sessions from professionals with years of experience in their field. Register below to start making a change in our community.

Our Sponsors