
Our Orton-Gillingham Program” page, at the top: “Due to the current COVID 19 pandemic, and the uncertainties that still exist, all tutoring will be held virtually. It is unknown at this time when in-person tutoring will be able to resume. Thank you for your understanding

Attendance Requirements

Students must attend a minimum of 2 one hour sessions per week from September until the end of May. Classes are 1:1 with a qualified instructor. Students are expected to attend all classes which run during the academic year from September through May. Subject to availability, students are permitted to join mid-way through the program year. 

Tutoring schedules include daytime, afternoons and evenings, subject to availability. The majority of our success is proven when students attend daytime tutoring with the support and buy-in from classroom teachers and the school. Our main focus is on the student making gains. For many students who struggle in school, gains cannot be made when students arrive for instruction when they are mentally or physically tired. For these reasons, it is important to have the support of the child’s teacher and a willingness to make your child’s tutoring a priority.

Admission Criteria

  • Suspected or diagnoses LD 
  • Supporting documentation (e.g., a current IEP and/or a psychoeducational assessment) 
  • Commitment to one full year of the program (e.g., September to May)  

Please note: 

Centre for Diverse Learners’s mandate is to offer programs and services for those with Learning Disabilities. A diagnosed or suspected LD is not required for service, but documentation must be provided if a diagnosis has been given. If your child has a suspected Learning Disability but has not yet received formal testing, please provide a letter of support from your child’s teacher on the need for this program. Applicants will be screened for other exceptionalities (e.g. Down Syndrome, FAS, Developmental Delays, etc.) as our programs may not be the best fit to support these applicants. 

Centre for Diverse Learners may not be best suited to support students with severe mental health or students with severe emotional and behavioural issues. 

**Missed lessons/rescheduling: Owing to the nature of these programs and the high demand, we cannot honour any requests for alternate dates. To maximize students’ learning in these programs, full attendance is expected. Our instructors work hard to prepare for each lesson. Missed lessons will not be made up by our instructors, nor will any refunds for missed dates be issued.

Program Fees

COVID-19 Policy

The Centre for Diverse Learners follows and will continue to follow all Public Health guidelines and requirements for the operation of its in-person programs. However, due to the unpredictable nature of COVID-19 and it’s affect on the Halton-Hamilton area, the Centre for Diverse Learners reserves the right to transition all in-person classes to a virtual environment in accordance to any recommendation by Health Canada. When signing up for this program, you agree that in-person classes may be held online when deemed necessary. No refunds will be applicable in the case that classes continue in-person and families choose to withdraw, but applicants will have the choice to withdraw if classes transition to online-based learning.

Join Us Today!

We are a registered charitable organization that does not receive any government funding to support our initiatives. Your gift will help us to ensure we can continue providing our programs and services to support those who are impacted by Learning Disabilities in Halton and Hamilton.